Huey to Get Aurora Autonomous Treatment
Aurora Flight sciences have been known for a long time. they are an American Aviation research company. They usually specialize n the design of construction of unmanned aerial vehicles. They have been in business for over 20 years. They have worked so hard ever since the beginning of their establishment. Their headquarters are in Virginia and have been trying to be international and work with many other states to keep their business booming.
They recently decided to try something new. They decided to upgrade their
Bell Helicopter UH-1H Huey. This upgrade will include two main programs which are the Autonomous Aerial Cargo Utility system and the Tactical Aerial Logistics system. They said they are expecting to pursue on this new update within the next 2 years. This update will have added a lot more autonomous capabilities especially for vertical takeoff and landing. In a recent interview retired Brig. Gen. mentioned that even though they know how to make things fly. They have been flying for 100 year but what they are struggling with is that "What we don't yet know how to do, is how to couple aircraft and autonomous systems together, but great programs like this are helping us get there. “they are so close to their goal. They have always managed to be one of the best in the industry and they always work hard to prove themselves.
This new system has been tested many times. Recently John Wissler, Vice President of Aurora's R&D Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts said that. "TALOS is not an
aircraft, nor is it a robot flying an aircraft –TALOS is transferable intelligence designed with both manned and unmanned aircraft requirements in mind. The value of TALOS can be described in a few words – platform agnostic, scalable autonomy, onboard sensing of the environment, and on-board intelligence that no other system in the world can provide." As mentioned they are excited to announce this new system as it will help them to get to their goal faster.
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